McDonald's Saudi Arabia concluded its eleventh campaign to support the Down Syndrome Capacity Building Program

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1 January 2024

In the presence of the member of the Human Rights Commission Board in Riyadh, Dr. Sarah bint Abdulaziz Al-Faisal, and a large presence of families and specialists in Down syndrome, McDonald's Saudi Arabia concluded its eleventh campaign to support the Down Syndrome Capacity Building Program at the headquarters of the Human Rights Commission in Riyadh.

McDonald's concluded its eleventh campaign to support the Down Syndrome Capacity Building Program in cooperation with the DSCA Charitable Organization in Riyadh, by conducting a training lecture titled: Early Intervention and Communication for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities; where more than 120 beneficiaries from families, specialists, and those interested in Down syndrome attended the lecture. The lecture included the most important topics that touch on the basic needs of children with Down syndrome and the latest studies and research on early intervention and communication skills and their impact.

The lecture included consultations and inquiries from families and specialists, and was also attended by representatives of charitable organizations and associations, special education centers, and families of children with disabilities in Riyadh. The option to attend via the Zoom platform was made available for beneficiaries across the Kingdom and the Arab countries. McDonald's also made sure to provide private consultation rooms for families and beneficiaries with a team of specialists and supervisors from the DSCA Charitable Organization, and to ensure the full attendance and benefit of the families, McDonald’s provided childcare during the lecture time.

This campaign is the eleventh to support the McDonald's program for building the capacity of people with Down syndrome since its launch in 2017, which targeted 8 different regions, and the total donations allocated from the sale of McDonald's products over the past six years amounted to more than 760,000 Saudi riyals. The program aims, in partnership with the Down Syndrome Charitable Organization DSCA, to build and improve the capabilities of families who have children with Down syndrome, associations, and entities working with Down syndrome individuals, through training workshops conducted by specialized trainers from DSCA to develop their skills for their benefit.

These programs and initiatives fall under the platform of McDonald's Saudi Arabia's social responsibility "Ajyalouna", and to learn more about our initiatives and activities, please visit our website.